Exercise Classes

get unlimited access to the full library available ondemand to fit your schedule!
For just $97 you get access
to more than 160 videos.

 25% of the profits go to local charities in Brooke’s community.

Not only will you be doing something that is healthy and beneficial to your well-being, but you will make a positive impact on charities that support animals needing a home, people needing support for housing and food, and survivors of  domestic and sexual violence.

Get Access Now

Once your payment is processed securely via the Paypal link above, an email with payment confirmation will be sent to Brooke. Please allow 24-48 hours for your access to be given to the document with all the links to the classes on youtube. Be sure to provide the correct email address where you’d like the google document access to be sent. 
Access is limited to members of your household. Additional purchases may be made by your friends and family outside of your home. 

Classes include:

Cardio and Core
Fit Moments 
Guided Meditation
H.I.I.T. It Like a Mother
Mind, Body, Sole
Release, Re-align, Re-energize
Yoga Sculpt
Plus a variety of hybrid classes that are fun, functional and effective.
Class Descriptions
The most common class length is 30 minutes, and they range from 5 to 30 minutes.  

Here’s the deal, we all know that we feel better and look better and treat people better when we have taken some time to take care of ourselves.

We know that our children get a more patient and energized mama when she has had time to get her workout in and had a good night of sleep. So why is it so hard to consistently carve out that time for self-care each day?  Perhaps, we need to look at it differently, ladies. Why should self-care be something that we do only if it fits into our schedule? Why can’t it be one of the first things we put into our schedule?

Are you ready to get started?

If you'd prefer a 1:1 approach, contact us today and let’s discuss your goals!